Guess what, netball lovers? Totally Netball is thinking about diving into the world of Junior Netball, and we are really excited about it! We want to chat with you about the exciting possibility of sparking some research and getting your feedback on this potential adventure.
We have no idea how this may look or what will come from it but, we wanted to get your opinion and thoughts around what you think and how you think it may look.
You may have children of your own who are interested in playing netball but cannot get in to a club because there is such a big waiting list.
Your child may want to start playing but doesn't know where to begin
Your child may play at a club but wants to get more netball locally
You may be a teacher in a school and want to develop netball within education
You may be coaching junior netball but come across barriers that restrict you from growing
Whatever relates to your or your child, we want to hear from you.
Let us know exactly what you think - even if you think it wouldn't work.
All we ask you to do is complete this very short questionnaire (click here) and we can then start to get the wheels in motion.
If you would like to get involved in any way please do let us know as well. You can leave a comment on the questionnaire or email us at
Thank you for your help with this and we hope to be able to have more info for you soon.